Increase profits & reduce costs with the power of probiotics.

Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, which can result in problems like excessive ammonia and nitrates, or excessive sludge and organic debris. Probiotics are the safe, proven, clean method for managing these problems, while increasing growth and profits.

Beneficial Bacteria vs. Harmful Bacteria

Aquaculture ponds are constantly exposed to bacteria during growout.  Using probiotics to manage your bacterial community with beneficial bacteria reduces exposure to opportunistic pathogens.

Gause’s law of competitive exclusion states:  Two species competing for the same resource cannot coexist at constant population values, if other ecological factors remain constant. One of the two competitors will always have an advantage over the other. 

Probiotics outcompete pathogens for resources.  Use probiotics to dominate your bacterial community and outcompete harmful organisms. 

Increase Survival and Growth

Farmers have experienced survival of up to 100% with increased growth rates between 10% and 35%.

Probiotics are a fraction of total production costs. Using probiotics will reduce the cost of labor, feed and maintenance, while increasing overall growth and survival of the animals, which increases profits. 

Probiotics account for a small fraction of total production costs yet increase yield by 30% on average.

Increase Yield and Profit

Probiotics dramatically improve final harvest. Improved feed conversion means less food to produce more fish. Uneaten food is consumed by beneficial bacteria that are then eaten by fish. Your feedings become more efficient and more feed is converted to flesh, saving you money. Improved FCR means more profit. 

Increase Health, Immunity, and Water Quality


Probiotics consume organic waste and uneaten food before they begin to decay, preventing accumulation of harmful ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate that are difficult to remove, can be toxic, and can cause health problems.  

When probiotics are consumed by animals they stimulate immune response, produce inhibitory compounds toward pathogens, and compete directly with pathogens for nutrients and habitat. Improved water quality reduces the need for water exchanges, increasing biosecurity.

Reduce Sludge and Organic Debris


Probiotics consume sludge and organic debris converting them to bacterial biomass which becomes an additional protein rich food source, improving FCR. That means less sludge, better water quality, and bigger profits. Used as directed probiotics reduce sludge allowing ponds to be restocked immediately saving time and money between cycles. Organic Waste is reduced, which improves pond bottoms, reduces labor costs, and decreases pollution.